April 20

Website Worth Sharing: Google Experiments

Google encourages experimentation with their staff and other contributors. I found this collection called “Creatability” which incorporates music with visual arts and movement. I think the kids might have fun with some of these: https://experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/creatability

The Arts and Culture Experiments also look interesting: https://experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/arts-culture

Digital Wellbeing experiments would be good for older students: https://experiments.withgoogle.com/collection/digitalwellbeing

For the older students, it could be interesting to have them explore one of these and share with the class.

November 1

Website Worth Sharing: Sheppard Software

I know you’re always on the lookout for fun educational games that your students can use during computer station time, or at home to practice skills  (those of you with eBoards can post links for easy student access from home).

http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/ has a something for everyone. Be sure to check out the great geography activities.  Students today respond well to multi-media learning activities and these look like good examples.

February 16

Website worth Sharing: Loving2Learn

Primary and Special Education Teachers:

Debbie Johnson shared this website with me and it appears to be a wonderful resource:


If you like to use music to teach reading, you might enjoy the “Read and Sing” activities. If you have Spanish speaking ELL children, the “Words, Words, Words” activities have the words in both Spanish and English.

There are a lot of activities that include auditory supports  for emergent readers, and there are also a lot of “print-able” activities that don’t require computer access.

April 5

Website Worth Sharing: SEN

The SEN website was created for special ed teachers, but I thought you’d find some of the resources useful. In the “printables” section there is an easy to use certificate maker in addition to several other tools that you can use to create customizable printable resources. Primary teachers should check out the literacy resources.

The downloads section has links to several little programs that you can download for free. (4th grade teachers, check out the skeleton resources in the science section.)

The weblinks tab provides links to condition specific websites that would be useful for Special Education teachers.