March 1

Website Worth Sharing: Flipgrid

Gathering and evaluating student feedback can often be time consuming. Flipgrid is an interesting tool that gives you an opportunity to gather verbal feedback into one place. Flipgrid allows you to create a “Grid” (think classroom or collection) and add “Topics” (think questions or prompts) and allow your students to respond in video format (there is a 90 second limit- but that can be adjusted in your settings). Students can share their own feedback and also see what their classmates have said. This would be good for speech teachers and ELL teachers who want to give their students the opportunity to respond orally to questions. Teachers can create a free account, which allows them to create one “Grid” and then post multiple topics. Once the topic is created, it generates a unique code that students use to respond to your topic. They require that you collect a parent permission form if using this with students under 13 or using the PLC/Public option with students under 16. 

  1. School Email Domain – If your students have school emails, use this option for your Grid. Students enter the Flip Code and verify their email using Microsoft or Google.
  2. Student ID List – If your students don’t have emails, use this option. Students enter the Flip Code and input their Student ID #, or scan a QR code for verification.
  3. PLC and Public – Allow anyone to view videos with just the Flip Code. To record a video, participants verify their email address via Microsoft or Google, including personal and emails.

Teachers have the option of choosing from several settings including the ability to moderate the posts so they have to be approved prior to appearing for everyone to see. This would be a good idea if students are recording unsupervised. I tested this out on a Chromebook and it worked great. It’s also smartphone friendly if they download the app.

If you want to give it a try, respond to my question:
The password is sargent (I don’t recommend posting passwords online, but I’ll make an exception in this case.)

Here’s a nice 3 minute YouTube video that explains how it works:

And another that shares directions for students: