February 16

Website worth Sharing: Loving2Learn

Primary and Special Education Teachers:

Debbie Johnson shared this website with me and it appears to be a wonderful resource:


If you like to use music to teach reading, you might enjoy the “Read and Sing” activities. If you have Spanish speaking ELL children, the “Words, Words, Words” activities have the words in both Spanish and English.

There are a lot of activities that include auditory supports  for emergent readers, and there are also a lot of “print-able” activities that don’t require computer access.

January 3

Website Worth Sharing: Wonderopolis

Wonderopolis posts an article each day about a topic you and your students may have “wondered” about. These topics are kid-friendly (Why do you get ice-cream headaches?) and interesting.  This website can facilitate online literacy practice when used with students. Reading and gathering information from websites is a specific skill and should be addressed like any other type of literacy. This would be a great “starter” for the day or could be used as a center activity.

If you have an eBoard or a website, you can add the Wonderopolis widget to your site. Check it out on my eBoard.